Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descriptive Essay About Pets - 1246 Words

Pets. They have an amazing effect on your life. They come in and bring so much joy and happiness. Mama always said he was an absolute little terrorist because he was pissed about his name and wanted to prove his manhood. It was a normal day, but a day that changed our family’s life forever, we got up that morning excited that we were on summer vacation. Finally, we were able to go outside, ride our bikes and spend nothing but uninterrupted kid time, but only until those street lamps came on. Once they’re on if you aren’t in the house consider your ass grass. When we finally made it inside, the house smelled amazing! Mom was in the kitchen putting her soul into her cooking like she always did. It was one of her delicious southern dinners,†¦show more content†¦To adjust to the fact that this was officially happening, she began to ask question about him. She smirked and said â€Å"how old is he?† my dad would reply with a look that made it obvious that he knew she was low-key pissed off about the whole thing â€Å"6 weeks old† she confused by his looks, then asked â€Å"what’s his breed?† he answered â€Å"Pekingese Peek-a-poo mix†. Witho ut missing a beat, my sister and I immediately looked at each other in pure excitement and yelled out his new name in unison â€Å"PIKACHU!!† My parents both tickled agree to the awful name their two little girls came up with. WE literally grew up together. He was like the furry, snarling, pain in the butt, little-big brother we never realized we had. Years went by and as we grew, so did he. To tell you a little bit about Pikachu†¦ He grew into his personality very young and like an old dog, became set in his ways. He was bad, sometimes a bully, and other times a sweetheart, with a bad napoleon complex. He would try to attack our parent’s legs if they ever tried to whoop us (he often got locked in the bathroom, and we knew at that moment it was every kid for themselves). He hated any male being in the house, including daddy. Where I could lay next to him the whole meal as long as I didn’t touch, if dad so much as watched him eat - he’d just snarl and bark, it never phased him though because he’s a 6ft 3in man he’d just laugh. I assume it was an alpha-male thing. For such a small dog he was extremely strong andShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Pet883 Words   |  4 Pagescan t concentrate on anything as my thoughts play on a continuous loop. Does he care enough about me? When will he p hone? What will I say if he does? Another forty-five minutes pass, and still, my phone remains silent. Is it still on? The screen illuminates as I tap the screen. Why hasn t he called? Alice was wrong about him, he doesn t like me, I m nothing to him. 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